قواعد اللهجة المصرية

يدوب / يدوبك

just, just as, barely, all to do


     I found يدوب to be a slightly more tricky structure to master. As I have benefited from being exposed to a large number of examples, I figured that you would as well. This page contains 44 different example sentences that have been separated into six groups. This is not to say that I believe the usage of يدوب from group to group to be fundamentally different: it is merely a convention used to convey a sense of order with this large number of example sentences. Because يدوب means basically the same thing in all the groups, I attempt to organize this page according to the different pragmatic functions of يدوب.

Group 1: يدوب used to emphasize the recency of an action
Group 2: يدوب used to emphasize the singularity of action
Group 3: يدوب used to justify why one is in a hurry
Group 4: يدوب used to emphasize simplicity of the action
Group 5: يدوب used to emphasize a low state on a spectrum
Group 6: يدوب used to justify an amount

Group 1: Emphasizing Recency


Example 1

اه اكيد هيدونا طبعا بس أنا لسة جديد يدوب مستلم الشغل

Yeah, I am sure they will give us (one) of course but I am still new. I just got the job.
(احنا بتوع الاتوبيس)

Example 2

الانسة عيشة صاحبة شمس يدوبك لسة متعرفين دلوقتي

(This is) Miss Aysha, Shams' friend. We just barely introduced ourselves to each other right now.
(حالة عشق)

Example 3

البنت يدوبك نايمة لو قمت من جنبها هتقوم

The girl barely fell asleep. If I get up from next to her she will wake up.
(سهر الليالي)

Example 4

ايه ده؟! انت جايب طفل يدوب مطلع البطاقة امبارح عشان يشهد على طلق بنتي

What's this?! Have you brought a child who just got his ID card yesterday to be a witness for my daughter's divorce?!
(خلي بالك من زيزي)

Group 2: Emphasizing Singularity of Action


Example 5

أنا مش فاكرك اساسا. أنا يدوب مجمّع انت مين مـ الكلام اللي انت قلته مع خيري

I don't remember you at all. I only put together who you were from what you said to Khairy.
(فاصل ونعود)

Example 6

سنين طويلة وهو تقريبا في غيبوبة بيفتح عينيه بس مش دريان بحاجة يدوبك ياكل واسنده يروح الحمام وينام

For many years, he has basically been in a coma. He opens his eyes, but he doesn't know what's going on. He only eats and I help him to the bathroom and he sleeps.
(ابن قنصل)

Example 7

امين: بس انا كنت عايزك تديني فرصة تانية أشرحلك مشاعري بس ناحيتك بقت عاملة ازاي
ورد: لأ متقلقش مشاعرك مدلدقة في كل مكان يدوبك بس ناقص تطلع لي فـ المنام

Ameen: I just wanted you to give me another chance to explain how I feel about you.
Werd: Oh don't worry! Your feelings are spilled out all over the place. Just the only thing missing is you to show up in my dreams.
(جراند اوتل)

Example 8

فاضل على موتك دقيقتين يدوب تلحق تشرب سيجارة

There is two minutes until your death! You barely have enough time to smoke a cigarette.
(صعيدي في الجامعة الامريكية)

Example 9

طب والعمل دلوقتي هنعمل ايه انا خلاص مبقتش ملاحق عـ المحل ولا المدبغة يدوب بخلص شغلي بالنهار في الليمان بتكون المدبغة قفلت

ًWhat should we do now? I can't keep up with with the shop or the tannery. The moment I finish my job at the jail during the day, the tannery is already closed.

Example 10

مع الاصطدام انفجر. مع الاصطدام انفجر طير كل الناس. طلعنا الطفل ده يدوب ركناه لقيت اتنين قدامه نفس القصة بيولعوا

ًWith the collision it exploded. With the collision it exploded and threw everybody into the air. We pulled out that child. Just as we put him off to the side, I noticed two people in front of him, the same story, they were on fire.
(اخر النهار)

Example 11

يدوب يقفل من هنا فالمزيكا تشتغل فيفتح فالمزيكا تفصل فيقفل

Just as he closes (the door), the music starts, so he opens (the door) so the music stops, so he closes (the door).

Example 12

النهارده معاد شكري بيه. يدوب ناكل لقمة على السريع وأعدي على المقطم أخد ريهام

Today is the appointment with Shukri Bey. We barely have time to eat quickly and then I will pass by Mokkatam to get Reham.
(جواز بقرار جمهوري)

Example 13

جلال: ما أنا مش عارف! ما أنا هروح عشان أعرف فيه ايه
خالد: طب استنى هنزل للمدير أخد الأذن وأجي معاك
جلال: لا لا يدوب أغير هدومي وأروح له

Gilal: I don't know!That's why I will go see him, to find out what's up.
Khalid: Wait! I will go down and get permission from the supervisor get permission and then come with you.
Gilal: No, I am just changing my clothes and then taking off.
(ضل راجل)

Example 14

ويدوبك بنفتح الباب ولقيت النار بتنضرب عليا زي ما جنابك شايف

We just open the door and all of the sudden we are getting shot at, as you can tell.
(شد اجزاء)

Example 15

أنا قبل ما أجي لحضرتك أنا كنت في التمرين يدوبك لبست وجيت لحضرتك على طول

Before I came over to your show I was at practice. I just got dressed and came straight over.
(الحكاية مع عمرو اديب)

Example 16

دخلوني عليه من شوية كان اسم الله عليه رايح في النوم يدوبك بصيت عليه قاموا مخرجينّي

They took me in to him a little bit ago. He was sleeping. I barely had time to look at him and then they took me out.
(الاخوة اعداء)

Group 3: Justifying Reasons for Haste


Example 17

يدوبك بقى نلحق نرجع الاوتيل علشان تنامي بدري وتقومي تصحي للمؤتمر بتاعك

We barely have enough time to get back to the hotel so that you can go to sleep early and get up for your conference.
(تيمور وشفيقة)

Example 18

طيب يدوب تلحقي. اسبقي انتي يا ماما عـ الفرح وأنا هحصّلكو

Ok, you barely have enough time. Go ahead to the reception, mom, and I'll meet you there.
(الف مبروك)

Example 19

لا يا طنط أنا لازم أمشي اصل ماما مسافرة عمرة بكرا إن شاء الله ويدوبك ألحق أقعد معاها شوية

It's ok. I need to leave since my mom is leaving on Umrah tomorrow and I barely have enough time to sit with her for a little bit.

Example 20

طب يالا خلصي الاكل بقى عشان الحق اوصلك بعربيتي عشان انا يدوبك اروح انام شوية قبل مـ ارجع الشغل تاني

Well, finish your food so that I have time to take you in my car because I have just enough time to go and sleep a bit before I go back to work again.
(قصة الامس)

Example 21

مش هينفع خالص يا مجيدة مش هينفع! احنا طيارتنا النهارده الفجر يدوبك نحضّر حاجتنا

There's just no way Magida. There's no way. Our flight is late tonight. We barely have enough time to pack our stuff.
(مراتي وزوجتي)

Example 22

دليلة: بجد يا يحيي امتى
يحيي: لما اصحى بقى يا دليلة نكمل كلامنا انا يدوب انام شوية وارجع تاني المكتب عندي مواعيد

Daliya: Really Yahiya?! When?!
Yahiya: When I wake up Daliya we can finish our conversation. I don't have any time. I am just going to sleep for a little bit and then I am going back to the office again: I have appointments.

Example 23

ريحته تحفة بس للآسف مش هألحق أفطر معاك. متأخرة جدا عـ الشغل ويدوب أروح

It smells amazing! But unfortunately I don't have time to eat breakfast with you: I am super late for work and I'm just heading out.

Group 4: Emphasizing Simplicity


Example 24

دي كانت زميلتي في الجامعة ندهت لي عشان أسلّم عليها يادوب اتلفت عشان أقدمك ليها ملقتكيش

She was my colleague at school. She called to me so that I could say hi to her. I just turned to introduce you to her and didn't find you.
(أم العروسة)

Example 25

بس يا افندم أنا يدوبك مسكته من كتفه بس

But sir I just grabbed him by his shoulder.
(تيتة رهيبة)

Example 26

امال لو في بينكو سنين وعشرة كنتي عملتي ايه. دول يدوب سنة وشوية شهور

I wonder if you were together years and had a close relationship what you would have done?! It was just a year and a few months.
(حريم كريم)

Example 27

بس يدوبك وقفنا عند شوباك واحد، خدنا الاستمارات وعملنا كل الاجراءات بتاعتنا بكل سهولة وبكل وضوح

We simply stood at one window and got the forms and did all the things that we needed with complete ease and clarity.
(اعلان لوزارة الداخلية)

Example 28

لا تاكسي ليه احنا يدوبك نعدي الكوبري نبقى وصلنا خلاص

No, why a taxi?! All we have to do is cross the bridge and we will have arrived.
(فرح ليلى)

Example 29

عادل: هنسافر امتى
فردوس: يدوب نجهّز نفسينا ونسافر على طول

Adel: When would we travel?
Fardoos: All we have to do is get ready, and we will leave right away.
(آبي فوق الشجرة)

Example 30

والولد كويس مفيهوش حاجة هو بس يدوب كسر في ايده

The guy is fine, nothing is wrong with him. All it is, is a break in his hand.
(اسم مؤقت)

Example 31

ماتخافش قوي كده يا اخويا دول لا بيتكلموا عربي ولا حتى بيفهموه دول يدوبك تشاور لهم يشتغلوا وخلاص

Don't worry at all! They neither speak Arabic nor understand it. Just gesture to them and they will work

Group 5: Emphasizing Low State


Example 32

ايوه أنا قلت لك اتكلمي معاها مش تروحي تعزميها عـ الغدا وبعدين يوم مـ تعزميها تعزميها في مكان شيك زي ده؟! انتي تاخديها مكان يدوبك يبقى على قدها تتكلمي معاها في مكتبك

Yeah, I told you to talk with her not to go and invite her to lunch. Plus when you invite her, you invite her to a chic place like that!? Take her to a place that is just at her level. Talk to her in your office.
(هبه رجل الغراب)

Example 33

مديحة: معقولة برضه هشغّل جوز ماما ساعي عندي
متولى: يدوبك يشتغل الشغلانة ديّت

Mediha: Does that make sense also that I would employ my step-father as a gofer for me?!
Mitweli: He could barely do that job!
(الحاج متولي)

Example 34

اصل حازم ابني كان يدوب عنده عشر سنين ساعة لما امه اتوفيت الله يرحمك يا سوزي وحشتيني

Well, Hazim, my son, was just 10 years old when his mother passed away, may God have mercy on you, Suzy.
(غش الزوجية)

Example 35

دلوقتي انا عايزة اوريكو الكفتة النص سوى يدوبك اتشمعت عشر دقايق في الفرن

Now, I want to show you the half-done kofta. They are barely firm: 10 minutes in the oven.
(حالة عشق)

Example 36

حسيت إني مبقاليش غير الارض دي. كنت ساعتها يدوب بانية عليها مطعم صغير بجنينة وبعد تلات سنين وبشوية قروض بقت الاوتل اللي انت شايفه

I felt like I had nothing except for this land. At that time, I had only built on it a small restaurant with garden. And after three years and some loans, it has become the hotel that you see.
(آدم وجميلة)

Example 37

زمان بقى كنت تتفرج عـ الافلام العربي القدام دول تلاقي البنت يدوبك كده ايه متشيكة شوية يعني وتتدخل أي فرح تلاقي الشباب ايه اتلموا حواليها كده امم

In the past, you could watch those old Arab movies and find a just slightly chic girl go into any wedding reception and you would find a bunch of young men gathered around her.
(عايزة أتجوز)

Example 38

فتحي: لو ماكناش كبرنا وكبّرنا المزرع بالشكل المهول ده كنا هنعيش ازاي في البلد دي
علاء: كنت هتعيش زي تسعين في المية من الشعب المصري يا فتحي بيه يدوب بتهرب من خط الفقر

Fathi: If we hadn't grown and expanded the farm in this massive way, how would we have lived in this country?
Alaa: You would have lived like 90% of Egyptians: barely escaping the poverty line.

Example 39

حكمت: اومال معاك كام
عوض: هم يدوبك الف ولا اتنين بالكتير

Hikmet: Well then, how much do you have?
Awad: They are barely a thousand...or two at the most.
(البخيل وأنا)

Example 40

احنا يدوبك الفرق مـ بين البيتي فور والسابليه ان احنا بنزود الدقيق

The only difference between petit four and sablé is that we add more flour.
(سفرة سالي)

Example 41

كمان بالصراحة يعني احنا الدوري بتاعنا ومستوانا يعني مش حاجة عظيمة قوي يعني عشان نقعد بقى ننفخ في المسألة جامد كده. كل فريق يعني يدوبك يعني

Also, our league and level of play really is not such an amazing thing that we should get so worked up like this. Each team is nothing fancy.
(الحكاية مع عمرو اديب)

Group 6: Justifying Amount


Example 42

بيومي: طالب قرض عشان تروح تتفسح
علي: يدوبك والله يا افندم

Bayumi: You are applying for a loan to go vacation?!
Ali: It's barely enough I swear.
(بيومي أفندي)

Example 43

منير: طب يا عبد الله بيه أسيبك أنا أروح الحمام وبكرا الصبح نتقابل إن شاء الله
عبد الله: وانت هتستنى في الحمام لغاية بكرا يا منير
منير: يادوب يا عبد الله بيه

Muneer: Ok Mr. Abdullah, I am going to leave you and go to the bathroom and tomorrow morning we will meet.
Abdullah: Are you going to wait in the bathroom until tomorrow Muneer?
Muneer: It will barely be enough time Mr. Abdullah!
(نيللي وشرهيان)

Example 44

نجار: ميتين وخمسين جنيه بس
حسين: ايه ميتين وخمسين ايه
نجار: يادوب تمن الخشب والمصنعية اللي فيها

Carpenter: Its only 250 EGP.
Hussein: What?! 250 what?
Carpenter: It's barely the cost of the wood and the labor.
(أم العروسة)