قواعد اللهجة المصرية

+ لو

future tense
If I am / was going to verb


Using the future tense with لو can be a little tricky, because many verbs in conditional clauses have a future tense meaning. In the sentence, 'If I see you tomorrow.' the verb 'see' is interpreted as being in the future tense; however, the verb is not in the future tense. In English, we can put an action in the future tense by saying 'will' or 'going to'. Notice how the meaning changes when we place the verb in the future tense. 'If I will see you tommorow'/ 'If I am going to see you tomorrow" are generally not interchangable with 'If I see you tomorrow.'

The future tense marker هـ / حـ is used in Egyptian like 'will' and 'going to' is used in English conditional sentences. It is NOT used when you simply want the action to be interpreted as being in the future tense. Use هـ / حـ when you want to say "If I were going to verb" or "If I am going to verb" but never when you want to say "If I verb (at some future time)."


Example 1

لو هتاكلي هاكل

If you are going to eat then I will. (شيخ العرب همام)


Example 2

ماعرفش عمري ما جربت بس مش عارفة لو هقدر يعني

I don't know. I have never tried. I don't know if I'll even be able to. (بشتري راجل)


Example 3

اوبا بيعمل الحاجة على اصولها من بلدها لو هيشوف فيلم يبقى الشاشة ياباني وطبعا الفيلم امريكاني حتى الكلب روسي

Oba does things depending on the country of their orgins. If he is going to watch a movie, then the screen is Japanese and of course the movie is American, even his dog is Russian. (لف ودوران)


Example 4

لو صراحة ما تمسش الاخرين بأذى لو هتكلم عن نفسي يعني لا مية في المية ماعنديش اي حاجة اخبيها خالص

If a truth doesn't hurt others, you know if I am going to talk about myself, then no, 100% I don't have anything at all that I would hide. (مصارحة حرة مع ريهام سعيد)


Example 5

س: أنا أنقله مستشفى الشرطة احسن
ر:طب يا افندم لو هتنقليه هيبقى على مسئوليتك وتبلغي المدير الاول

S:I should transfer him to a police hospital!
R: Fine. If you are going to transfer him, it'll be your responsiblity...let the one in charge know first. (الجير الرابع)


Example 6

انتي ارق بنت عرفتها في حياتي وانا لو هبقى اب عمري ما اتمنى ام لولادي احسن منك

You are the kindest most gentle girl I have ever known and if I was going to become a father, I would never hope for a mother for my children better than you. (واحد صحيح)


Example 7

لا لا لا لو هنتكلم عن الكاترينج بقى يبقى نتكلم عن الاستاذ ممدوح ملك البقالة

No no no! If we are going to talk about catering, then we should talk about Mr. Mamdoh, the king of grocery stores. (الحفلة)
