قواعد اللهجة المصرية

+ لو

كنت عملت


If I had verbed

Section 1: Basic past hypothetical contidional

1.1: Past Perfect 'then-clause'
1.2: Future Perfect 'then-clause'

Section 2: Past hypothetical conditional with كان زمان

2.1: كان زمان following past perfect conditional statement
2.2: كان زمان following past conditional statement
2.3: كان زمان following verbless conditional statement
2.4: كان زمان marking present hypothetical conditional

Section 3: Other uses of the past perfect conditional statement

3.1: To express doubt
3.2: To express apology

Section 1: Basic Hypothetical Contidional


لو كنت عملت ...... كنت عملت كذا

Example 1 past perfect with past perfect

عرفت بقى أنا كنت مخبي عليك ليه. لو كنت قلت لك كنت حرقت المفاجأة

Did you figure out why I was hiding it from you? If I had told you, I would have ruined the suprise. (الريان)


Example 2 past perfect with past perfect

لو كنتي تشيكتي على الايميل بتاعك الصبح كنتي عرفتي إن أنا طلبتها منك

If you had checked your email this morning, you would have known that I requested it from you. (بشتري راجل)
*Learners Note: To express the idea of 'this morning' in Egyptian, you do not need to add the word 'this'


Example 3 past perfect with past perfect

منى: لو كنت احترفت في فريق اوروبي كبير كان حياتك اتغيرت
مجدي: جدا
منى: كان ايه اللي هيتغير في حياتك
مجدي: كان ممكن مارجعش مصر

Mona:If you had play professionally for a big European team, would your life have changed?
Magdi: very much.
Mona: What would have changed in your life?
Magdi: It's possible I would not have returned to Egypt. (مصارحة حرة مع مجدي عبد الغني)


لو كنت عملت ...... كنت هعمل كذا

Example 4 past perfect with past future

لو كان جرى لها حاجة مكنتش هسامح نفسي ولا كنت هسامحك يا مسلة

If anything had happened to her I wasn't gonna forgive myself or forgive you Masela. (قلب الاسد)


Example 5 past perfect with past future

لو كنت رجعت مصر مكناش هنتقابل مكناش هنتجوز مكناش هنخلّف

If you had returned to Egypt, we were not going to meet, we were not going to get married, we were not going to have kids. (امبراطورية مين)


Example 6 past perfect with past future

اصل انا لو كنت نمت كنت هصحى مثلا بكرا الضهر العصر

If I had slept, I was going to wake up like tomorrow afternoon or late afternoon. (فرح ليلى)


Example 7 past perfect with past future

يوسف: مقلتيش ان الاسانسير عطلان
رؤى: لو كنت قلت لك مكنتش هتيجي

Yousef: You didn't tell me the elavator was broken.
Roua: If I had told you, you were't going to come. (هيبتا)



Section 2: Hypothetical Conditional with كان زمان

In the previous two sections we have seen that one way to express the idea of a hypothetical conditional statement is to use لو followed by a conjugation of كان and a past tense verb. The then-clauses were formed by using a conjugation of كان and then depending on the perspective of the speaker either a past tense verb or a present tense verb.

Another common element in the creation of hypothetical conditional statements is the use of كان زمان. As you will see in the following sentences, use of this element can allow speakers to express a hypothetical conditional without having to use كان + past tense verb after لو.

If the subject of the sentence following كان زمان is a pronoun, then the subject is represented as a suffix on زمان. Therefore, you can see كان زمان as:

كان زمانهاكان زمانه كان زمانكوكان زماناكان زمانككان زمانيكان زمانهم

Notice how زمان is always preceded by كان even when the hypothetical event being described is in the present. كان is conjugated to agree with زمان and for this reason it does not change.


لو كنت عملت .....كان زمان

Example 1 past perfect with كان زمان

طبعا لو مكانتش كدبتك دي اتفضحت كان زماني نايم على وداني ولا داريان بحاجة

Of course, if your lie had not been exposed, I would have been completely oblivious (sleeping on my ears) not aware of anything! (تيمور وشفيقة)


Example 2 past perfect with كان زمان

ساعات كده بقعد أفكّر مع نفسي وأقول لو مكانش حصل اللي حصل لو مكانش سابنا وأنا لسة عيلة ماكملتش حتى عشر سنين كان زماني دلوقتي بنت الدكتور صبحي ابو فاضل اشهر دكتور في المنصورة كلها. اكيد كانت حياتي كلها اتغيّرت

Sometimes I sit and talk with myself (think with myself) and say "If that which happened hadn't have happened, if he had not left us when I was still a little girl: I had not even completed ten years (was not even ten years old), I would have been the daughter of Doctor Subhi Abu Fadil, the most famous doctor in all of Mansoura. Certainly, my entire life would have changed (العراف)


Example 3 past perfect with كان زمان

انت حظك حلو. لو كنا ممسكناش الرجل اللي خبطه كان زمانك دلوقتي مربوط هنا

You have good luck. If we had not caught the man who hit him, you would be hancuffed here right now. (الف مبروك)

لو كنت عملت .....كان زمان

Example 4 past with كان زمان

أنا لو خدت الفلوس عـ الحاجات دي كان زماني بقيت مليونير

If I had taken money for those things I would be a millionaire. (بشتري راجل)


Example 5 past with كان زمان

يعني أنا لو قبل ما أصاحبك كنت مصاحبة تلاتة كان زمانك دلوقتي لسة بتحبني وعايز تتجوزني؟

You mean if before I started dating you, I had dated three (other guys) you would now still love me and want to marry me? (حب البنات)


Example 6 past with كان زمان

لو كان عندها حاجة مكانش زمانها عايشة لحد دلوقتي ولا حامل ولا غيره

If she had had something, she would not still be alive or pregnant or anything else (تلتمية خمسة وستين يوم سعادة)


لو .....كان زمان

Example 7 No verb with كان زمان

يا افندم أنا شايف كراتين المخدرات بعينيا ولو معايا سلاح واذن من النيابة كان زماني قابض عليهم متلبسين

Sir, I saw crates of drugs with my eyes and if I had had a weapon and permission from the district attorney, I would have caught them in the act. (الباشا تلميذ)


Example 8 No verb with كان زمان

لو حد تاني كان زمانهم حفرتين في الصحرا مش حفرة واحدة

If (you had been) some else, there would have been two holes in the desert not just one. (بدل فاقد)

كان زمان & present hypothetical

In English, the past hypothetical-conditional clause is usually expressed with 'had verbed' and the present hypothetical with 'were to verb'. Compare the difference between 'if I had seen you' and 'if I were to see you.' The distinction in Egyptian is less stark as it is in English, but the context usually disambiguates the two. Below, Example 9 could easily be translated as "if this wouldn't have been my life..." but in English it feels more natural to say 'if this weren't my life'. Therefore, watch out for sentences like Examples 9-10 understanding that although they may look like past hypotheticals they are best understood as being in the present.

Example 9 present hypothetical with كان زمان

يا ما (لو)* مكانش ده حالي كان زمان بلطجية المنطقة خدوا المحل وانتي مقتولة والعيال اخواتي دول انحرفوا

Mom, (if) this weren't how my life was, the thugs in the neighborhood would have taken over the shop and you would be murdered and my siblings over there would have strayed from God's path. (الفرح)
*Here لو is implied. To see other examples where this happens see the page for implied لو.


Example 10 present hypothetical with كان زمان

جميل انت والله يا خالي كل حاجة عندك تمشي بالمحبة والمودة لو الدنيا كلها ماشية كده كان زمانا عايشين في جنة

I swear uncle, you are sweet. Everything with you moves along with love and affection (Everything can be solved with love and affection with you). If the entire world were to functıon like that we would be living in paradise. (لعبة ابليس)


Section 3: Other uses of past perfect conditional statement

In this section we will leave behind our discussion about hypothetical conditionals and كان زمان in order to present two other funtions of لو + the past perfect. This structure can be used to express doubt that an action has in fact taken place. It can also be used as part of an apology.

In Example 1 لو + past perfect is used to express doubt about an event actually happening. In Example 2, لو + past perfect is used to respond to an accusation in an attempt cast doubt on its varacity.

doubt and لو كنت عملت

Example 1 expressing doubt

ده انت عامل خسارة عشرين الف جنية ده غير البضاعة اللي باظت في المخازن ده لو كانت باظت فعلا

You caused a loss of 20,000 pounds (EGP), that's not including the merchandise that went bad in the warehouse, that's if it really did go bad. (العار)


Example 2 deflecting an accusation

وبعدين الحمد لله أدينا مبلولين. يعني احنا لو كنا رحنا روما يبقى احنا اللي كنا بنطفيها سعادتك

Also, thank God! As you can see we are wet. So if we had gone to Rome, then we are the ones who were putting it (the fire) out. (فاصل ونعود)


apologies and لو كنت عملت

لو + past perfect can also be used in apology expressions. Examples 3 and 4 are similar to the way English speakers use 'if' with apologies except that in Egyptian the verb in the conditional clause is in the past perfect. Example 5 shows that this same structure is also used with words other than 'آسف / آسفة' to express a similar meaning.

Example 3 apology

واسف لو كنت ضيعت وقتك

...and I am sorry if I have wasted your time. (الدالي)


Example 4 apology

أنا اسف يعني لو كنت جيت لسعادتك في وقت غير ملائم

I am sorry if I have come to you sir at an inconvenient time. (ولاد رزق)


Example 5 semi-apology

شاهيندا متزعليش مني لو كنت اتعصبت عليكي

Shahinda, don't be upset with me that I got mad at you. (خطوط حمراء)


Just by way of context, in Example 5, حسام did get mad at شاهيندا there is no doubt about that. In a previous scene they had been talking, she said something that upset him. He corrected her with a few stern words and then got up and walked away. The clause after لو does not express a hypothetical event.