قواعد اللهجة المصرية

إلا ما

not even


إلا ما often modifies a clause containing the word “once” “one”, or “a”. In the example sentences, I will put these words in green so you can notice them.
This structure is used when the speaker wants to emphasize the negative word "not" or "never". This is usually done in English by moving the negative word to the front of the sentence and then adding the word 'even'. I have put the word 'even' in some of the English translations to show that this meaning can be conveyed in Arabic without the word حتى "even". However, for more emphasis "حتى" may be inserted (see Examples 7 and 8).
You may be tempted to start this clause with و “and”; however, this is not attested in the examples in the corpus CALM.
The ما in إلا ما is a negator but the ش of negation is typically left off as it is with the ما of عمر ما (have never) and the ما used when one swears (يحلف) as in والله ما شفتك “I swear I didn't see you”.
Do not confuse this structure with the إلا ما that means "except + verb". (An example of this is given at the end of this page in Example 11.)


Example 1

والخاتمة الشريفة كل مكوناته طبيعية صدقيني يا مدام ده كل صاحباتك واخدين منه إلا ما واحدة اشتكت منه

I swear all the ingredients are natural! Believe me Madame all of your friends have taken some of it, not one has complained about it!
(واحد صفر)

Example 2

فايز: شامين ريحة الاكل
فريدة: وده اكل ده يا پاپي ده عك
فايز: عك؟! ما بلاش انتي بلاش انتي تتكلمي في المنطقة دي بلاش إلا ما شفتك مرة داخلة علينا بطبق بيض مقلي

Faayiz: Do y'all smell the food?
Fariida: Dad, you call that food? Its gross*.
Faayiz: Gross!? Don't even...don't you talk about this area (subject) don't. Not once have I even seen you bring us a fried egg! (i.e. 'you've never even cooked the simplest of meals.')
(مراتي وزوجتي)
*عك is used to describe something that is put together from a bunch of things that usually don't go together similar to the word 'hodgepodge' in English, but it is frequently used to describe food.

Example 3

إلا ما شايفة قدامي واحدة ماسكة لي شنطة جلد تمساح....جزمة رقبة تعبان

Not one woman do I see in front of me carrying a crocodile skin bag....(or with) snake skin boots
(ابلة فاهيتا)

Example 4

تامر: هي كنت عايز أسألك سؤال بس هي طنط وصال مابقتش تيجي تزورنا ليه
فخري: ايوه عندك حق يا تامر إلا ما بقت تتصل بيها عشان تطمن عليها زي عوايدها

Taamir:Umm, (mom) I wanted to ask you a question but umm...Why does Aunt Wasal no longer come and visit us?
Fakhri: Yeah, you have a good point Taamir, Aunt Wasal no longer even calls your mom to check on her like she usually does.
(ايه قلبي)

Example 5

بوصي علينا كده اتنين ستات زي القمر مدة الصلاحية لم تنتهي بعد إلا ما في حد من المارة عبرنا ولا بص في خلقتنا إلا ما في راجل دخل تف في وشنا وخرج

Look at us. Two beautiful women whose shelf life has not expired yet. Not one of the passerbys has even paid attention to us or looked at us! Not one man has come in, spit in our faces and then left.

Example 6

باسل: هدي بس اهدى اهدى
كريم: انا هادي
حنان: إلا ما في ابتسامة على وشك
كريم: خالص على فكرة
حنان: اديني جزء من الابتسامة

Baasil: But calm down. Not so intense, not so intense.
Kariim:I am calm.
Hanaan: There's not even a smile on your face!
Kariim:At all, by the way.
Hanaan: Give me part of a smile.
(قعدة رجالة مع حنان مطاوع)

Example 7

والله ما أنا عارف أقول لك ايه يا عم احمد. بابا زي مـ يكون زي مـ يكون شمتان في اللي حصل في ماما. ده حتى إلا ما قالّيش تعالى يا ابني خليك اقعد جنبنا في المصيبة اللي احنا فيها

I swear I don't know what to tell you Ahmed. It is as if dad derives joy in the bad things that happed to mom. He even never said to me "come son...stay...sit next to me during this disaster that we are in.
(اين قلبي)

Example 8

اللهم صلي عـ النبي. فيلا شرحة بس ذوقها بلدي حبتين يا باشا ألا ما فيه طقم مدهب ولا نيش حتى

Wow! What a comfy villa! But its style is a little low-class, sir,there is no gilded* furniture set or even a china cabinet.
(لا تراجع ولا استسلام)
*طقم مدهب or gilded furniture refers to French Provincial Furniture or Louis XV Furniture
** إلا ما may be pronounced ألا ما but this is not the prevailing Cairene accent

Example 9

إلا ما بيقول لنا إنه بيجي هنا ولا بيسهر مع احلام

He never tells us that he is coming here or hanging out late with Ahlaam.
(ام العروسة)

Example 10

يا دي نعناعة ده .. إلا ما بلّ ريقك بكلمة حلوة

Here we go agian with Nanaa'a! Not with one nice word, has he been kind to you
(صباحه كبد)

Not to be confused with this إلا ما

Example 11

ده بيقعد مع مصر كلها. ده مفيش زار ولا فرح ولا طور ولا قهوة بلدي إلا ما تلاقيه قاعد فيها

He sits with all of Egypt. There is not a Zar , wedding, or a traditional coffee shop except you find him sitting there.
(مأمون وشركاه)