قواعد اللهجة المصرية


so that


     This structure is far less common than عشان which can also mean 'so that'. So be careful not to overuse this structure.

1. How does inclusion of ان change the meaning of the sentence?
2. It seems to accompany a request or when giving instruction (cooking).
3. The corpus does not contain any examples of past tense verbs in the matrix clause. Is this just a coincidence?


Example 1

طيب بقى تحبي حضرتك لما ترجعي تبقي تكلمينا بحيث ان احنا نتفق هنعمل ايه

Alright, would you like, when you get back, to call us so that we can agree on what to do.
(واحد صحيح)

Example 2

استأذنكو تتصوروا قدام القلب الصغير دوت بحيث ان القلب الكبير اللي حضراتكم هتعملوه يحتوي القلب الصغير يبقى جواه يعني

Could I get you to take a picture in front of this small heart so that the big heart that you will make will contain the small heart, you know...it will be inside of it.
(لف ودوران)

Example 3

بحب بقى اجيب الحاجات دي وهي بايظة واصلحها يأما اعملها يأما اصلحها لوحدي يأما استعين بخبرات بقى ناس هم بقى كهربائي حد بقى مسئول عن كذا واجيبه ويشتغل تحت ايدي بحيث ان انا اتعلم منه وهو بيصلح الحاجات دي

I love to get these things when they are broken and fix them either fix them by myself or I turn to experience: people, you know, an electrician, someone whose job it is and bring them and have them work with me right there so that I learn from them while they are fixing these things.
(معكم منى شاذلي)

Example 4

بعتذر ان انا بحاول اجد باباً بحيث انه يتيح لشرين عبد الوهاب انها يعني تطلع من هذه العثرة

I apologize for trying to find a door so that it is made possible for Shareen Abd El-wahab to get out of this mess.
(كل يوم)

Example 5

هبتدي بقى ان انا اخلط النشا مع الدقيق بالطريقة دي بحيث انه كله يختلط معايا بالطريقة دي......بنلمها بحيث انها تبقى ناعمة معانا

I will start with mixing the corn starch with the flour like this so that it all gets mixed together for us.....We combine it so that it becomes smooth.
(سفرة سالي)

Example 6

ممكن لو كان برد شوية رجعه على النار بحيث ان هو يستوي شوية

It is possible if it has gotten a little bit cold, return it to the heat so that it cooks a little bit.
(شبكة وصنارة)

Example 7

هاخدك اللوكاندة هتتطلعي اوضته عايزيك تريحيه عـ الاخر تجرجريه في الكلام بحيث يقول لك على كل حاجة

I will take you to the hotel. You will go up to his room. I want you to make him totally comfortable. Work him throughout the conversation so that he tells you everything.
(النمر والانثى)

Example 8

متزعقش بوص اهم حاجة صوتك يجي لي واطي بحيث ان لما اقوله البت تحس انه نابع من جوايا انا

Don't yell! Look, the most important thing is that your voice comes to me quietly so that the girl feels as if it is springing forth from within me.
(صعيدي في الجامعة الامريكية)