قواعد اللهجة المصرية


because / since


حاكم is one way to express 'because / since' in Egyptian Arabic. See also عشان ,لاحسن and اكمن. The most common way to express 'because' is with عشان, but you may occasionally hear حاكم. This conjunction is used when giving a reason justifying the preceding thought and could inelegantly be translated as 'it is because' with 'it' referring to the last thing said.


Example 1

وخدهم على اي محل كشري عشّيهم ليقولوا اهل العروسة ماعشّوناش في الفرح حاكم أنا عارفهم

...and take them to any kosheri restaurant and feed them dinner so they don't say "the family of the bride didn't feed us dinner at the wedding reception." because I know them (and this is what they would do if you don't do what I say)
(اين قلبي)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why he thinks they would complain about not getting dinner


Example 2

يالا الحق انزل له وخليك ناشف كده معاه في الكلام حاكم أنا عارفاك

hurry before its too late, go see him and be firm with him when you talk to him because I know you (and you are usually too nice and cave in)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why she said for her husband to be firm when talking to the neighbor


Example 3

والله يا حفيظة قعدت ساعة بحالها أنقي وأختار لحد ما رسيت على دول حاكم عنده بقى شعارات من دي كتير قوي

I swear, Hafiza, I was therefor a whole hour selecting and choosing until I settled on these because he has a bunch of slogans like these ones.
(احنا بتوع الاتوبيس)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why it took him so long to choose these slogans


Example 4

ايه يا جلجل تتكلم انت ولا أتكلم أنا حاكم شبان الايام دي عينيهم مفتحة قوي

(to his son) What Gilgil, are you going to speak or should I....(to the other adults) because youth these days their eyes are open very wide**.
(ام العروسة)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why he would think that his son might do the talking instead of him
**here he is referring to the fact that the youth are not like their parents' generation in that they are able to do things on their own without relying on their parents.


Example 5

بمناسبة الديكور والله وما ليكو عليا حلفان لولاش بس إن أنا واعية وماسكة ذلل على اجوزات صاحباتي مكانش زماني قادرة أجدد وأصرف حاكم دلوقتي الحالة الاقتصادية بقت صعبة خالص

While we are on the subject of the decor, I swear if not for the fact that I know what's going on and have dirt on my friends' spouses, I would not have been able to update (the decor) and spend money because the economic condition right now has become really bad.
(أبلة فاهيتا)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why she had to go to those lengths to get money for new decor.


Example 6

ميمي: قول لي بقى هو انت مكنتش عاوز تقوم معايا ليه
حبيشة: عشان امي و امك ميخدوش بالهم حاكم الحريم مبتهتمش في حاجة إلا في الحاجات دي

Mimi:Hey, why didn't you want to stand up with me?
Habiisha: So that my mom and your mom don't notice because women don't care about any thing except for this stuff.
(ابن حلال)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why he said that their moms would have noticed


Example 7

محامي: لندن
جاسر: ايوه يا سيدي عندنا اجتماع هناك مع اخوانا بتوع البورصة ومحتاج لك معايا حاكم بيني وبينك انا بعافية شوية في اللغة الانجليزية ومبحبش الكلام يبقى داير حواليا وانا طور الله في برسيمه

Jaasir: Yes...we have a meeting there with our brothers who work with the stock market and I need you with me because between me and you, my English is not great and I don't like when conversations are happening around me and I have no idea what is going on.
*The clause after حاكم justifies why Jaasir needs the lawyer to come to London.


Example 8

انجي: عايزاك بقى تعرف لي اذا كان شغلها معاه صدفة ولا
خالد: ولا ايه؟ حاكم انتي عليكي حاجات بتحسيها كده
انجي: بس بتطلع صح مش كده

Enji:I want you to find out for me whether her working with him is a coincidence or.....
Khalid: Or what! because you (always) have these things that you are feeling
Enji: But they turn out to be true don't they.
(ابن موت)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why Khalid doubts Enji.


Example 9

أنا الحقيقة ماعرفشي نظام رحاته ايه بالظبط عشان أقدر أدبر لك موعد تلتقوا فيه حاكم احنا بنلتقي مباشرة وش قصاد وش

Actually, I don't know exactly when he has time off so that I can arrange a time for y'all to meet because we meet directly, face to face.
(الجماعة الجزء الثاني)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why knowing his schedule is important for connecting the two men.


Example 10

مليانة يعني لامؤاخذة يعني حامل حاكم القطة متهبشّ الهبشة دي في الدكر إلا اذا كانت معبية ومنقورة قبل كده

Full means, excuse me for having to use this word, pregnant...because a female cat does not scratch a male cat with such a scratch unless she has been loaded and pecked previously.
(يوميات الزوجة المفروسة)
*The clause after حاكم justifies why he thinks the cat is pregnant.
