قواعد اللهجة المصرية

عقبال ما

by the time, while, until


     Synonomous with على بال ما and على ما . If after reading through these examples you need further explanation see the page for على ما.
by the time



Example 1

مديحة: وعارف هتركب ايه؟
علي: هاخد أي اتوبيس
مديحة: اتوبيس ايه! انت عقبال ما تعرف الاتوبيس ده رايح فين وده رايح فين عايز لك يجي سنة مثلا

Madiiha: Do you know what you are going to ride?*
Ali:I'll take any bus.
Madiiha:A bus?! You will need like around a year until you figure out where this bus is going or where that one is going.
(علي يا ويكا)
* Do you know what you are going to take to get there?

Example 2

طب اقعد ساكت هنا متتحركش عقبال ما أرجع لك

Ok. Sit here quiet and don't move until I come back.
(ابي فوق الشجرة)

Example 3

ولا انا نسيتك قعدت فترة طويلة قوي عقبال مـ قدرت استوعب ان انت خلاص مش موجود في حياتي

Nor did I forget you. It was a very long time until I was able to comprehend that you were no longer in my life.
(الفيل الأزرق)

Example 4

والنبي يا حاجّة يا معلم نص ساعة كده وتعالوا عقبال ما نخلص. نص ساعة وهنديكو كلكو

Please! 30 minutes and then come back until we finish. Half an hour and then we will give to you, all of you.
(بين السرايات)


Example 5

طب بقول لك ايه يا فيسو شوف صحابك يشربوا ايه عقبال ما أخش أنا المكتب أعمل شوية اتصالات

Ok, tell you what Fisu, see what your friends would like to drink while I go into the office and make a few calls.
(الجيل الرابع)

Example 6

طب دخّله اوضة المكتب عقبال ما أطلع أنده الدكتور من فوق

Ok, let him into the office while I go up and get the doctor from upstairs.
(حالة عشق)

Example 7

طب تحب ننزل احنا عقبال ما تغير انت

Would you like us to go out while you change.
(حب البنات)

by the time

Example 8

سيف: بس عقبال بقى مـ القرار يوصل للبنك المركزي نكون احنا صرفنا اللي نقدر عليه
ماهر: المشكلة إن الصرف الكتير ده ممكن يسمّع في البنك المركزي وساعتها هياخدوا بالهم
سيف: ما هو عقبال مـ يسمّع هنكون احنا سحبنا كل اللي نقدر عليه. الفلوس الباقية بقى هقول لك نجيبها ازاي

Sayf: But by the time the decision reached the central bank we will have cashed all the checks that we are able to.
Maher: The problem is that all of that dispersal of funds could sound an alarm at the central bank and at that point they will be paying attention.
Sayf: Well by the time the alarm sounds we will have withdrawn all that we were able to. The rest of the money, I will tell you how we can get it.

Example 9

طب ما انتوا عقبال ما تقبضوا الفلوس نكون حددنا ميعاد العملية مع الدكتور

Well, by the time y'all get the money, we will have scheduled the operation with the doctor.
(ادم وجميلة)

Example 10

بقول لك ايه انت وهو عقبال ما تقعدوا يا وتعملوا لي الحكاية دي اكون انا روحت سلام عليكم

I will tell you what, by the time you and him sit there and scream 'yaaa' and perform for me the whole song and dance I will have gone home. See you later.
(صعيدي في الجامعة الامريكية)

Example 11

ما هو بالبطء اللي انت فيه ده العيال هتموت من الجوع عقبال ما ترجع لهم بالاكل

With how slow you are going, your kids will die of starvation by the time you return to them with food.
(صباحه كدب)