قواعد اللهجة المصرية


surpassing even


     ولا can be used to compare two things with the thing preceding the conjunction surpassing the second in some quality. This quality is usually implied. Although ولا can be translated as 'surpassing even', sometimes it is more natural to translate it as 'more ____ than' depending on the quality as in Example 3.


Example 1

اديها حباية من دي. هتنام ولا نوم الفيل

Give her one of these pills. She will sleep (a sleep that) surpasses even the slumber of an elephant.
(يوميات زوجة مفروسة)

Example 2

وأنا بقول الشركة منورة كده ليه. ازيك يا نسمة يا بنتي. وشك ولا القمر

I was thinking, why is the company glowing like this. How are you Nesma? Your face surpasses even the moon (in beauty).
(تلتمية خمسة وستين يوم سعادة)

Example 3

العمارة بتشغي عساكر وامن مركزي. عمارتنا بقت ولا البيت الابيض

The building is swarming with soldiers and central security personnel. Our building has become (more secure than) the white house.
(جواز بقرار جمهوري)

Example 4

صاحبة: والنبي أنا نفسي أشوف نعناعة بتاعك ده
قمر: راجل ولا كل الرجالة. طيبة ايه وحنية ايه

Friend: Please...I want to see this Na'na' of yours.
Qamr: (He is) a man surpassing all men. What kindness! What compassion!
(صباحه كدب)

Example 5

يا رضا ده عنده السلاح ولا السلاح بتاع الداخلية

Rida, he has weapons surpassing even the weapons of the Ministry of the Interior.
(اولاد رزق)

Example 6

ما شاء الله ما شاء الله ولا اجدع بيه

Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! (You) surpass even the most honorable bey.
(جواز بقرار جمهوري)

Example 7

س: شفتي العز اللي عايشين فيه
س التاني: انتي بتقولي فيها؟ دي شقة ولا في الاحلام

Woman 1: Do you see the prosperity that they are living in?!
Woman 2: You don't have to tell me! This is an apartment surpassing even (those) in dreams.
(اين قلبي)

Example 8

اه بس عنده درع ولا درع الدوري

Yeah but he has a shield surpassing even the Egyptian Premier League Shield (trophy).
(بين السرايات)

Example 9

حلوة قوي دا ولا نبش الفراخ

Very pretty! It surpasses chicken scratch!
(عسل اسود)